السبت، 23 أبريل 2011
The mystery that we call love

الأربعاء، 2 مارس 2011
secret admirer
Like a dreamy girl she stood by and watched him talk..is he really talking to me? she wondered...racing heart beats..but a cold exterior,no one would ever guess that a little smile from him can make her heart stop in a split second,even when she talks to him,acting so careless but in her eyes you can tell that her heart has a different story to tell,although he likes to make her laugh,he never noticed how she observes his moves across the room,and he's always the first one she looks for when she arrives,her life would never be the same without him...
she gets hurt whenever his smile fades away,she tries her best to see him get it back,no one ever knows what's on her mind,and why she's sad whenever he is,when the fact is,she gave him her heart..without him knowing that,and he might never know...